In Work Package 1, the first deliverable ‘D1.1 report on EU nutrient recovery technologies and derived products’ compiled information on nutrient recovery technologies and products across Europe covering sources from six different side streams from regions own resources and from existing EU projects and nutrient recovery platforms.
Each region was tasked with compiling information on technologies and products from a targeted side stream e.g. Ireland – Bio-waste & biological by products. The technologies discussed vary in complexity, availability and scalability, offering opportunities for different agricultural operations to adopt nutrient recovery practices. Assessing the European wide distribution of technologies and products a total of 47 technologies and 86 alternative fertilising products was located across Europe including technologies such as composting, anaerobic digestion, P precipitation, thermochemical nutrient recovery and physical chemical nitrogen recovery ranging with a TRL from 5 up to 9.
An easily accessible online inventory will be made available on the projects website later in the year to showcase information on nutrient recovery technologies and products gathered in this task to interested stakeholders.